Suffering Syria: Torn limb from limb
Syria’s having a revolution, as I’m sure you’ve heard. Trigger events began in January and February, many of them led by women, and mass rallies in the thousands, then tens of thousands, began in late...
View ArticleSyrian Prisoners of Conscience, I Witness for You
Prisoners of conscience in Syria: the regime keeps increasing their numbers. Each one has a face, a family, a story; has dignity, beauty, courage. I am learning them by heart. Let me share a few with...
View ArticleWomen's mass protests during the Syrian Revolution: A preliminary analysis
Women began protesting in large groups of women in late March However, because women were not seen street-protesting in the first few electrifying days of massive protests especially in Dara March...
View ArticleSyria's Revolution: Created by Local Women & Men Smoking Four Packs a Day
Who populates the Syrian revolution? The Syrian revolution has three core populations: urbanite survivors of the 2001 Damascus Spring, disenfranchised classes rural and urban, and the traditional...
View ArticleIn the Middle of Madness, Four Women March for Nonviolence in Syria
Four young Syrian women staged a women’s march for nonviolence through the middle of Medhat Basha market in Damascus, Syria, on November 21, 2012. In the finest tradition of subversive street theater,...
View ArticleThe roar of pain from my Syria
I hear the roar of pain from my Syria, hear it loud, hear it every day, in minute detail, with names of friends and relatives attached; it not only breaks my heart but in Syria it breaks whole...
View ArticleSyria: It's Still a Revolution, My Friends
No matter what your position on the potential U.S. strikes on Syria (I’m against), all I ask is, DON’T be a hater who denies the existence of the grassroots youth who began the Syrian revolution out of...
View ArticleLack of U.S. Peace Movement Solidarity with Syrian Uprising and the “No Good...
I marched (er, clothed) with CODEPINK women when they stood butt-naked across the main strip in my Arkansas hometown protesting the U.S. military invasion of Iraq. As a longtime anti-interventionist, I...
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